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Re: texi2html tests are huge

From: Patrice Dumas
Subject: Re: texi2html tests are huge
Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2012 09:29:56 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/

On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 07:03:02PM -0800, Karl Berry wrote:
>     This would be in favor of using real makefile rules to synchronize
>     po files in LocalData and in po_document...

In fact, this is wrong.  Right now it is cp upon make all.  So there is
no risk of ../po_document/*.gmo not being synchronized with 

What could happen, however, would be that the ../po_document/*.gmo files
are not uptodate.

> Indeed.  How do they get synchronized now?  If I was supposed to do
> something special about this, I don't remember, sorry.

Indeed, you are supposed to do something about it, and, I believe
this is more or less the only thing that has to be done before the 
pre-release, in addition to fixing the serious issues that pop-up now
and then like the tests failing for you or the issue Vincent reported.

Right now, the ../po_document/*.gmo are copied to 
LocaleData/$lang/LC_MESSAGES/*.mo when doing make all, even if they are

You wanted to replace that by a Makefile generated fragment.
A copy is also done for some include files that have to be relative
to the build directory.  Both are done in all-local in tp/Makefile.am.
The idea was to have an automatic determination of the lang files, and the
include files, in the same way maintain/regenerate_file_lists.pl
automatically determines the files to be distributed.

There is another place where similar copies are done, in tp/tests/Makefile.am
in all-local.  In that case, I think there is no need to generate the
file list automatically, only a need to do the make rules.

If you give me an idea of the make rule that could be used, I could do
the automatic files/rules list generation.  Also I could have a try with 
the stuff in tp/tests when I have time as it is simpler.


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