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Re: Unicode::EastAsianWidth::InFullwidth

From: Karl Berry
Subject: Re: Unicode::EastAsianWidth::InFullwidth
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2012 21:48:31 GMT

    It in fact refers to the elsif at line 386
        } elsif ($text =~ s/^(\p{Unicode::EastAsianWidth::InFullwidth})//) {

That was my guess too (or else the next elsif, who knows), but it seems
very bizarre that the wrong line number would be reported.

In any event, I tried commenting out all four occurrences of the
InFullwidth calls, just to see, and then it fails in the same way with Line.pm:
Can't find Unicode property definition "Unicode::EastAsianWidth::InFullwidth" 
at ../tp/Texinfo/Convert/Line.pm line 283.

Let's forget it, not worth the trouble to go further.

    Maybe you could try to remove the
    Unicode::EastAsianWidth:: prefix and see if it still errors out?
    It works in my tests -- one could even consider that it is better style.

It doesn't seem like better style to me.  With the bare "InFullwidth"
there is no easy way to know where the function is intended to be
defined in any of the zillions of possible packages.  With the absolute
modules specified, it is completely clear.

Of course, there is a gray area since one would not want to fully
qualify every single function call, but there's no question in my mind
about this one, FWIW.


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