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[Texmacs-dev] Texmacs changelog and patches on ddaa.net

From: David Allouche
Subject: [Texmacs-dev] Texmacs changelog and patches on ddaa.net
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 22:40:19 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

Some news about my website.

I recently put online the changelog[1] for, and I just put
online my patches[2] for I also added the mail from Joris
about encodings, my tm-to-xml script and a link to Felix's page.

   [1] http://ddaa.net/texmacs/changelog/
   [2] http://ddaa.net/texmacs/patch/

Most of these patches are not yet of Savannah's patch manager. I will
put them there once they are synched with the latest version of

Now, I am going to write the changelog for Hopefully, using
the tools I have been designing, that will only be a matter of a
couple of days.

In a nutshell:


    * up1 -- improve fixing of Xlib headers
    * up2 -- improve LaTeX import
    * up3 -- fix style pictures for systems without PNG support
    * up4 -- fix web documentation pictures
    * up5 -- add new graphic variables
    * up6 -- implement new graphic primitives
    * up7 -- fix out of bound accesses and missing initializers
    * up8 -- disable html export of postscript elements
    * up9 -- add latex command norm symbol
    * up10 -- fix two page breaking crash bugs
    * up11 -- fix PostScript page numbering
    * up12 -- garbage no-op assignation in destroy_tree_rep
    * up13 -- garbage update to greek translation dictionnary


    * da1 -- docstrings for base.scm
    * da2 -- docstrings for debug.scm
    * da3 -- floats editor commands in Scheme
    * da4 -- update "other" item in preferences menu
    * da5 -- optional wait window
    * da6 -- cleanup menu.scm -- part 1
    * da7 -- fix match? -- matching symbol
    * da8 -- cleanup menu.scm -- part 2
    * da9 -- cleanup menu.scm -- part 3
    * da10 -- cleanup menu.scm -- part 4
    * da11 -- cleanup menu.scm -- part 5
    * da12 -- cleanup menu.scm -- part 6
    * da13 -- cleanup menu.scm -- part 7
    * da14 -- remove list->alist
    * da15 -- fix and improve match?
    * da16 -- define wrap-catch-list
    * da17 -- cleanup menu.scm -- part 8
    * da18 -- cleanup menu.scm -- part 9
    * da19 -- fix --enable-optimize and --enable-debug
    * da20 -- fix a compilation problem
    * da21 -- fix problems with guile-1.6.0

David Allouche         | GNU TeXmacs -- Writing is a pleasure
Free software engineer |    http://www.texmacs.org
   http://ddaa.net     |    http://alqua.com/tmresources
   address@hidden  |    address@hidden
TeXmacs is NOT a LaTeX front-end and is unrelated to emacs.

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