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Re: [Texmacs-dev] Visual appearance of page breaks

From: Alvaro Tejero Cantero
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] Visual appearance of page breaks
Date: Sat, 04 Dec 2004 11:23:36 +0100
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Norbert Nemec wrote:
Hi there,

working with TeXmacs to prepare a presentation, I realize how little feeling I get from TeXmacs about the "page-layout" (which is, of course, extremely important for a presentation)

I have a feeling that I don't understand what people do in order to prepare a presentation with TeXmacs.

Don't you use a switch environment?

I find that highly advisable, but someone has still to write a "linearize" function that puts one switch after the other for printing, pdf export, etc.

I think most of the problem comes from the fact
that page breaks are only indicated by a thin gray line, instead of displaying something that really feels like separate pages. I believe the whole feeling for pages could be much improved by really cutting the pages apart, maybe even giving each one a black border and a tiny shadow effect (having the "paper" float above the gray background.

I don't personally like the 3D effect and are very happy with the current subtle separation, although if it's valuable to somebody wouldn't mind a thicker line.

Furthermore, it would really be nice to have the pages displayed in two or more columns. For documents with many pages you really need some way to gain an overview, and such a page-layout view would help a lot in this respect, I believe.

That would be a good feature, but it would involve a lot of typesetting also. Meanwhile, as a temporary hack you could do it through the preview option, by setting in edit->preferences

psnup -2  $TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/system/tmp/preview.ps |ggv -  2&<

(-2 for 2-page in one page and so on).

I have very little knowledge of redirections and this line I came up with looks very bad to me. Perhaps the best would be if one could point to the file parameter, say $file and thus write

psnup -2 $file | ggv -

At this point, given that I can already preview documents very well with TeXmacs itself I don't see the point of the preview option if it's not to set fancy filtering options such as this one.



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