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[Texmacs-dev] New REDUCE plugin (second try)

From: Andreas Seidl
Subject: [Texmacs-dev] New REDUCE plugin (second try)
Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2005 23:21:05 +0200 (CEST)

Earlier this year I made an attempt to change the REDUCE plugin.


As some problems occured, here is the second try.

The content of the following archive is how the plugins/reduce folder should look like in future. This should be included into TeXmacs 1.1.


- The source tmprint.red comes with an MIT-style licence. This resolves the licensing problems.

- Some manual action is required from the user to activate the plugin: (1) getting a TMPRINT binary tmprint.b and (2) modification or creation of a file $HOME/.reducerc. The binary can either be compiled from the shipped source tmprint.red, or simply by downloading it from my webpage (for Windows and Linux). A sample .reducerc file is shipped. It is worth mentioning that (1) is required only during a transition period. The next REDUCE release will come with TMPRINT as an official package.

I've checked out the TeXmacs sources, so I could make the changes in the CVS, if my access rights suffice.

Best Regards


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