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[Texmacs-dev] TeXmacs as a tool for Scientifical/Technical translations

From: Offray Vladimir Luna Cardenas
Subject: [Texmacs-dev] TeXmacs as a tool for Scientifical/Technical translations
Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2007 18:31:46 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20071213)

Hi all,

I'm making a translation of a Free Book about a software environment. It was made on LaTeX, so is a translation in more that one sense: from English to Spanish and from LaTeX to TeXmacs.

Previously I worked in the translation of good part of the TeXmacs documentation (it seems to me that I'm repeating that in a lot of mails to the list ;-P) and that was a very handmade process (well I can say that my English level is in good part the result of that vacation voluntary homework so it was a very formative process also). What I made was to write a Spanish paragraph for every English one and then, to produce a Spanish only document I deleted the already translated ones if I consider them satisfactory. Of course, one lose the synchronization process of the English and Spanish text in this way, so what would be really nice was to have some kind of master document in the same spirit of po4a[1] with environments for each language and some type of markup that can be used to make pairs of original and translated text, all this without leaving our preferred writing tool. In the process of producing the output of a file, say in pdf format, the "original language text environments" would be hide and only the translated ones would be visible and taken into account for indexes, table of figures and so on.

[1] http://po4a.alioth.debian.org/

It this possible with TeXmacs? there is any pointer to documentation to read for getting this thing done?

Thanks, Marry Christmas and A Happy New Year :-)


Ps: My mail server was banned to write to the users mailing list (may be someone used it to send spam) and I cant find the mail where I was informed that my mail was not arriving to users list. If any one can help me with this I will really appreciate this.

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