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Re: [Texmacs-dev] New algorithm style - need help

From: Sam Liddicott
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] New algorithm style - need help
Date: Sat, 09 Apr 2011 15:06:19 +0100
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Also, your "problem" may actually stem from the fact that you are using literal "item" in the traditional sense that actually exist in your document tree and computed items in your macro.

If you follow the technique I used in newfangle and have NO literal <item> in the document tree but generate them all it may be easier to get them to line up.


On 09/04/11 13:28, Jan Lellmann wrote:
Thanks a lot Sam, that is very helpful. I suspext there are some "document" tags generated that shouldn't, or they are not properly parsed at the time where <indent-yes> happens, so Texmacs thinks the paragraph has already started, and indent-yes has no effect.

The (define-group enumerate algorithmic) idea is good, in fact I just found that I can include this snippet using <extern>, which makes the environment almost natively editable, much as itemize or enumerate.

Using this idea, the indentation in the first line can be fixed. However, several other problems appear (see attachment). In particular Texmacs doesn't let me edit the indented blocks as multiline content anymore.

I think is boils down to these questions:

1) How does Texmacs decide whether some macro argument should be editable by the user as "document" or as "inline", i.e. how does it decide whether creating new lines _inside_ an argument using the "return" key should be allowed?

2) I found that quite often, the "Edit source tree" view inserts "document" tags around some argument, which screws up the rendering. They cannot subsequently be changed to "inline" mode and I did not find a way to remove them (even if they only a single argument). I had to edit the .tm in a text editor. What is the proper way to do this?


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