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Re: Using tramp with "RemoteCommand"

From: Daniel Gomez
Subject: Re: Using tramp with "RemoteCommand"
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2023 18:26:00 +0000

Hi Michael,

thanks for the reply. Setting tramp-verbose to 10 helped me identify the issue, and it was clearly related to the prompt. I got it to work without issues after I changed the argument to --pty from /usr/bin/zsh to /bin/sh. I then noticed I had to play the rc trick on my zshrc to get it to work with zsh:

if [[ $TERM == "dumb" ]]; then
    unsetopt zle && PS1='> '

And now things work as expected.
I still have issues getting python to run, but I assume that is not directly related to TRAMP, but rather to my configuration.
I'll continue investigating and hopefully that too will work soon.

Kind regards,

Am 28.03.2023 18:39 schrieb Michael Albinus:
Daniel Gomez <> writes:

Hi Daniel,

I would like to tramp into a compute node of an HPC cluster.
That requires an ssh connection to a login node and then using `srun`
to request an interactive session.
If using a terminal, all I need is to set up the following on my
.ssh/config, and then `ssh computenode` gets me directly to the
compute node:

Host computenode
     User user
     IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_loginnode
     RequestTTY yes
     RemoteCommand srun --partition=partition --account=account
     --gpus=1   --pty /usr/bin/zsh

However, when connecting via TRAMP this doesn't work, because
[apparently TRAMP cannot be used with "RemoteCommand".][1]

**Question: How can I use TRAMP with RemoteCommand, or how can I have
  Tramp connect directly to an HPC compute node with `srun`?**

I wouldn't say that Tramp doesn't work with RemoteCommand ever. But the
command must open an interactive shell on the remote side; that's what
Tramp expects.

I don't know srun, but your example let me believe it opens a remote
zsh. That would be OK.

Please set tramp-verbose to 10, and rerun your test. It will produce a
Tramp debug buffer, which we could analyze then.


Best regards, Michael.

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