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Re: [Wp-mirror-list] Attempting to mirror on laptop

From: Benjamin Goldsmith
Subject: Re: [Wp-mirror-list] Attempting to mirror on laptop
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2012 16:20:39 -0400

Dear Kent,

Considering how much you have helped me and all the work you have done creating wp-mirror, it feels nice to be able to contribute to the project via the testing I have done.  Thank you.

Here is the requested output from your instructions:

2) images

Please confirm that the following shell commands work:

> Please also show the output of:
> shell> dash -c "env printf %s Arc_en_ciel.png | openssl md5" 00135a44372c142bd509367a9f166733

address@hidden:~# dash -c "env printf %s Arc_en_ciel.png | openssl md5" 00135a44372c142bd509367a9f166733

3) pipelines

> Please show me your output of the following commands:
> shell> dash -c "/usr/sbin/apache2ctl -S |& grep mediawiki"
> dash: Syntax error: "&" unexpected

address@hidden:~# dash -c "/usr/sbin/apache2ctl -S |& grep mediawiki"
dash: Syntax error: "&" unexpected

> shell> dash -c "/usr/sbin/apache2ctl -S 2>&1 | grep mediawiki"
>         port 80 namevhost mediawiki.site
> (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/mediawiki.site.conf:1)

address@hidden:~# dash -c "/usr/sbin/apache2ctl -S 2>&1 | grep mediawiki"
         port 80 namevhost mediawiki.site (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/mediawiki.site.conf:1)

4) block devices

> I have yet to figure out the following error that you reported 2012-07-13:
> -----sys-pathname-slaves-----done-----
> physical-block-device-list        : (/sys/dev/block/8:5/)
> /dev/8:5: No such file or directory
> *** - read: input stream #<input buffered pipe-input-stream character 6421>
>      has reached its end
>    z) commented out lines 3443-3456 of wpmirror

Not sure if this will help, but here is how my wp-mirror script looks from lines 3436-3459:

    ;; 6) now go to `/sys', find block device, and chase slaves
    (setq physical-block-device-list
           (make-pathname :directory dir-list-init)))
    (put-message (_ "-----sys-pathname-slaves-----done-----"))
    (put-message-value (_ "physical-block-device-list")
;    (let* ((device-name-list
;           (mapcar #'(lambda (hdd)
;                       (format nil "/dev/~a"
;                               (first (last (pathname-directory hdd)))))
;                   physical-block-device-list))
;          (write-cache-disabled-p-list
;           (mapcar #'(lambda (device-name)
;                       (shell-hdparm-write-cache-disabled-p device-name))
;                   device-name-list)))
;      (put-message-value (_ "device-name-list") device-name-list)
;      (put-message-value (_ "write-cache-disabled-p-list")
;                        write-cache-disabled-p-list)
;      (setq write-cache-disabled-p
;           (notany #'null write-cache-disabled-p-list)))
    (put-message-value (_ "are all write caches disabled") write-cache-disabled-p)
    ;(die) ; uncomment when debug

Please let me know if there is any other information that I can supply to you.


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