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Re: [Adonthell-devel] Another bug fix

From: Tyler Nielsen
Subject: Re: [Adonthell-devel] Another bug fix
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 19:37:03 -0600

On 10/4/05, Kai Sterker <address@hidden> wrote:
On 10/2/05, Tyler Nielsen <address@hidden> wrote:

Feel free to commit this one, if you like. You should have write
access to CVS now :-). Welcome!


Is it pure Python, or both Python and C++? With C++ files its easy:
they go somewhere under src/<module>. We haven't really thought about
Python scripts until now, although there'll be a couple ones that will
belong to the engine (in contrast to game data).

It's actually almost all C++ (and some stuff in py-wrappers).  On my computer I have it in src/audio, and that seems to be ok.  There are a few changes that I had to make, and those are spread out a bit. but not adding any new files.

If you have any suggestions, please tell. All I can imagine right now
is something like a src/scripts/ directory which might again have
different module directories inside.

Next question is where would these scripts installed. In v0.3 they
were put in .../shared/adonthell/modules/. This path was than added to
the embedded python's search path. The better solution might be adding
them to <python>/site-packages/adonthell/<module>/ however. What do
you think?


Yeah t think putting them in site-packages makes the most sense.  That's the standard way of doing things in python.  That may require a bit of thought though.  Where would the swig python libraries go then.  Maybe under <python>/site-packages/adonthell/libs or something, but then what about the libraries they depend on?


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