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Re: GWorkspace issues on MinGW

From: Enrico Sersale
Subject: Re: GWorkspace issues on MinGW
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2006 13:55:30 +0300

On 2006-08-19 18:04:28 +0300 Luke Kendall <address@hidden> wrote:

On 19 Aug, Enrico Sersale replied to:
> It's perhaps also a problem with NSFileManager itself when used on > Windows, not specifically GWorkspace. No. You are right; the issues are really in GWorkspace; all the
  app is based on the assumption that there is only one 'root',
  that is, "/" on unix. I was not aware that on windows you have
  a path tree for each mountable "volume"; this makes the things
  quite complex because, to represent this in a browser, you
  must add the concept of a "root of the other roots" and write
  methods to handle this abstraction...

Is it an option to try to get it running under Cygwin instead of via
mingw?  Since cygwin arranges for all the network drives to be mounted
under /.

If Cygwin has a unique root, the app should run without any change.

Getting it run under Windows depending on Cygwin sounds like a big
challenge.  Getting running under Windows independent of Cygwin sounds
like a *huge* challenge.  Maybe getting it work under Cygwin would be
an easier first step for "pickleman"?


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