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Re: [Artanis] Fwd: Web Browser Plugin/Extension : HTML <script type="app

From: Nala Ginrut
Subject: Re: [Artanis] Fwd: Web Browser Plugin/Extension : HTML <script type="application/gnuguile"></script>?
Date: Sun, 03 Mar 2019 02:01:48 +0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.0; emacs 25.1.1

Hey folks!
I have to say, this is an exciting topic, and I've been actually looking
forward to a solution for years.

However, I realized that we can't find a direct way for that. That is to
say, <script type="application/gnuguile"></script> is not going to
happen. Why? There was a type named "application/vbscript" in the ECMA
standard, but then it was obosoleted, and "javascript" become the only
choice in the standard. So the "type" attribute in "script" tag is
useless now. You may even ignore it.

BUT, every complete explaination must come to a "BUT". ;-)
BUT, we can do it indirectly. Nowadays Javascript and its toolchains are
extreamly optimized, so that many people write source-to-source compiler
for it. So you may translate any language to Javascript with a nice
performance on the web, for example, Typescript. This is the pre-compiled way 
to go.

There's also the interpreted way to go, BiwaScheme is one of them. You
may just write Scheme code inlined in your web page, and it can be
interpreted on the fly.

I think there're lot of things to be referenced. From tech perspective,
it's not cutting-edge so that there're lot of existing projects to be
learnt from. The hard part is how to make a good community to let us
help each other. For example, if anyone wrote a good Scheme-to-JS
transpiler or interpreter with good DOM support, I'm happy to integrate
it to Artanis. To enhance BiwaScheme is also a choice, but I hope it can
reuse existing Javascript/Typescript modules easily.

Come on hackers, we need some heroes!

Best regards.

Julio Claudio Matus Ramirez writes:

> I just found the question interesting, and was having troubles sleeping,
> so let me give you a quick answer.
>>HTML <script type="application/gnuguile"></script>?
> This sounds very hard, as it would require official acceptance of the
> web consortium (?), or at least the people (mostly companies...) writing
> web browsers. And they don't really have much to win by adding gnuguile
> as an extension language trying to replace javascript I guess.
> However, "unofficially", there are some ways to run guile, or at least
> something scheme-like in your browser.
> Here is what I was able to find:
> # google summer of code project, guile running javascript basically
> # mentioning guile can be run as an applet by "SurfIt!"
> # scheme interpreter written on javascript -> the closest thing to what
> # you're looking for I guess
> # web server to run scheme, so you can have fun directly from your
> # browser (it looks kind of easier to just install scheme directly though )
> In short,
>> interesting to have GNU Guile run client side in a web browser, and
>> forget about writing ECMA script.
> Probably not going to happen anytime soon.
> Running scheme on top of javascript is possible though. That might be
> good enough if you just hate javascript ;)
> And there is/was (?) a browser that could run guile "applets" (sounds
> very 90's).
> This isn't really related to artanis directly, but I guess it was the
> closest thing you could find :D.
> I hope I was able to help you.
> Marc Dunivan <address@hidden> writes:
>> GNU Artanis web framework developers:
>> Is there a project dedicated to creating web browser plugins/extensions that 
>> allow GNU Guile to run client side in the browser? If so, do they have a
>> website?
>> Basically an Internet media type in the HTML script tag:
>> <script type="application/javascript"> </script> or
>> <script type="application/javascript"> </script>.
>> e.g.: <script type="application/gnuguile"></script>
>> I didn't see the Internet media type listed here:
>> I understand that GNU Guile can act as a web server and a web client, and 
>> GNU Artanis is a server side web framework. However, I thought it would be
>> interesting to have GNU Guile run client side in a web browser, and forget 
>> about writing ECMA script.
>> Respectfully,

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HFG - NalaGinrut
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