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Re: [Artanis] Foreign Key for Migrations

From: Jonathan Schmeling
Subject: Re: [Artanis] Foreign Key for Migrations
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2019 05:22:05 +0000

Gotcha. That makes a lot of sense. Thanks a ton for explaining!

Database related, is there a way to query the database from one of the controller -define methods (like (article-define show …) in the online documentation)? Using the function map-table-from-DB causes an error and attaching #:conn #t, like with the get function, also causes an error. Doing something like (:conn rc "SELECT * FROM PEOPLE") seems to work (or, at least, not throw an error) but I'm not sure what gets returned. The doc. says the returned value is described at but that section says "TODO".

As always, any help is always super appreciated!


On 2/17/19 12:19 PM, Nala Ginrut wrote:
Hi Jonathan!
I'm glad you asked this question.
The answer is actually written in the fprm.scm code comments that the
relational mapping in Artanis is not going to provide database level
foreign keys. The solution is to provide higher-abstract-level table
operations as a replacement to save users to time to handle by

The pros and cons of foreign keys are discussed a lot in the
internet. The modern ORM may choose to drop foreign keys and provide
higher layer for it.

Unfortunately, this feature has not been implemented yet because of my time schedule.

Of course, this issue is still open, the original plan is more
ambitious. I think it's the time to add more features to the relational
mapping framework.
Welcome to discuss if you like.

Best regards.

Jonathan Schmeling writes:

I'm not sure if it's been asked before but I couldn't find any mention
in the doc. – is it feasible to define foreign keys for the create-table
function? I want to reference another table's primary keys from a
particular table, to link them.


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