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Re: [avr-chat] Crystals (was ATmega32 @ 16MHz : fuse bits ??)

From: Neil Davey
Subject: Re: [avr-chat] Crystals (was ATmega32 @ 16MHz : fuse bits ??)
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 14:25:06 +1000
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Windows/20050317)

I'm part of the 'never had a problem with crtsyals' group...
Since your using strip board I'll add the following which I've come across a couple of times... It is possible for the strip tracks to have cracks in them, either from manufacture, fatigue or stress, so it might not hurt to run
a line of solder over the unused tracks between the micro and the crystal...

Also, I know it's a simple thing.. but we have all done it... are you *sure* your caps are attached to ground.... :)


address@hidden wrote:

On Mon, Nov 14, 2005 at 02:56:41PM +0100, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
I use a large strip prototyping board, and add components to it over
time as required/needed by the development of the software.
I soldered the crystal and capacitors as closely as possible to the AVR
chip, 4 tenths of inches from it maximum then.

Is there any chance that the tracks have not been cut immediately on the
other side of the crystal pins? It's worth ensuring the oscillator is
not loaded by long strip tracks, if another crystal doesn't fix it.
The only time I've had an AVR not immediately oscillate at 16 MHz, I'd
forgotten to set CKOPT. Any old crystal out of the junkbox seems to
work, too, so the road should be smoother once you're over this hump.


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Neil Davey
Griffith University

School of Microelectronic Engineering
Nathan Campus
Phone: 07-3735-7008
Fax: 07-3735-5112

School of Psychology - ACNRC
Mt Gravatt Campus
Phone: 07-3735-3395

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