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Re: [avr-chat] Crystals (was ATmega32 @ 16MHz : fuse bits ??)

From: Vincent Trouilliez
Subject: Re: [avr-chat] Crystals (was ATmega32 @ 16MHz : fuse bits ??)
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 12:04:55 +0100

On Tue, 2005-11-15 at 14:25 +1000, Neil Davey wrote:
> It is possible for the strip tracks to have cracks in them, either from 
> manufacture, fatigue or stress, so it might not hurt to run
> a line of solder over the unused tracks between the micro and the crystal...
> Also, I know it's a simple thing.. but we have all done it... are you 
> *sure* your caps are attached to ground.... :)

Yeah... I resoldered everything, putting solder all over the tracks.
They are very short, as I put the AVR chip on the edge of the
prototyping board, leaving just enough space to squeeze teh crystal and
capacitors. I replaced the crystal by another one (same part number
though). I tried with CKOPT enabled and disabled, still won't start...
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh... this is getting crazy. 

About the fuse bits that have a reversed logic, I am not sure why the
data sheet keeps insisting that 0 means programmed and 1 unprogrammed.
It's starting to confuse me more than anything. No need to tell the user
about this reversed logic is it ?  I am really starting to find it
confusing: "when they write "1" in a truth table, does it really mean
"1", or does it mean "enabled"/programmed, hence I must actually write a
0 not a 1 ?
Why don't they just give tables and let the user program this into the
fuse bytes, completely omitting any and all comment about this reversed

They say to program CKSEL3:0 to 1111 for a high speed crystal, so I set
all these bits to one in the lower fuse byte, not to 0.

Looks kinda hopeless now. I am getting bored with it :-/
Since the on-board RC oscillator at 8MHz is enough to keep me going, I
guess I should better move on and resume the development of the
software. Once finished, I will get a proper PCB manufactured, and try
one last time to get the crystal going...

Vince, completely clueless.

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