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[avr-chat] isp-usb

From: Hanns-Konrad Unger
Subject: [avr-chat] isp-usb
Date: Tue, 07 Mar 2006 19:36:16 +0100

>"Royce Pereira" <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Can any one recommend a AVR programmer using the USB port? I need
>> something I can build myself, not buy commercially.
>There's Atmel's original device AVRISP mkII.  You can use it both with
>the Atmel tools (avrprog.exe?) as well as with AVRDUDE.  From what
>I've noticed in various forums, they are probably somewhat hard to get
>hold of these days.
>Then there's Matthias Wei=DFer's USBisp project, a do-it-yourself
>programmer where he offers the full circuit diagram, the firmware as
>opensource, and sells the PCBs for little money:
>The firmware talks STK500 protocol (either V1 or V2), so it's also
>compatible with both tools.
>If you look out at avrfreaks.net, there's a guy who turned an AVR
>butterfly into a programmer using a specially crafted firmware
>(buttload).  This is RS-232, not USB, but should work using a standard
>USB-RS-232 converter.

How about a standard USB-RS-232 converter with application AVR910?
Pros: very cheap, no smd
Cons: ??? (what are the known problems of AVR910?)


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