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Re: [avr-chat] Can't Install avr-gcc in FreeBSD

From: David Brown
Subject: Re: [avr-chat] Can't Install avr-gcc in FreeBSD
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2007 16:09:59 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070728)

Bob Paddock wrote:

E: Yes, I agree, but all my users are on Windows...

Have you ever asked them why?

Perhaps because it's easier to download winavr than get avr-gcc working on FreeBSD?

More seriously, there are two main reasons that I see why a lot of development work (my own included) is done on windows rather than *nix, even though many of the programs used are cross-platform. One is the use of windows-specific hardware and software combinations - AVR Studio being an example. If you have some windows-specific software, you can often run it under *nix by using Wine, or even a virtual machine if necessary. But if it requires close contact with hardware, it's a lot more difficult (note that I have not actually tried AVR Studio with Wine, this is just a general observation). License locking schemes can also make it a lot more difficult to run Windows software on *nix.

Secondly, although decent Linux distros (and FreeBSD) make it extremely easy to get hold of and install a wide range of software, this only applies to "standard" software for which someone is acting as a maintainer. When you want to install or upgrade any of the tens of thousands of packages in the Debian archives, it is vastly easier than in the Windows world. But when you step outside of that, you enter the world of dependency resolution, patching, ./configure, and make, instead of an InstallShield wizard. Thus when trying to install avr-gcc on FreeBSD you have to fiddle around with -DNOPORTDOCS flags in the "make install" line, while on windows you just download the latest winavr release. One day, one of the newer "universal" package systems will catch on, so that we'll be able to download and install the latest nixavr release, but until that time I doubt if anyone can be bothered maintaining the separate deb, rpm, tgz, etc., files needed for all the commonly used *nix systems.

Just my two øre,


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