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Re: [avr-chat] Loop for DUDE command

From: Yuriy Vlasenko
Subject: Re: [avr-chat] Loop for DUDE command
Date: Sat, 6 Nov 2010 10:23:10 +0200

Thank you for the answer, Joerg!

The code is already present, but limited to some amount of looping (20
or 50 times, offhand I'm not sure).  So it should be easy to extend
that for your purpose.

It is not easy for me, and I search people to perform such a tuning of this very popular program. 
Since you personally aswered me, can I ask you: What is your opinion on the idea? 
Namely, I propose such 2 additional features to AVRDUDE:

1) To enale ulimited loop of sending some string to a target MCU
2) To enable extremely low SPI frequency - till DC mabe

If it's simple (as you've said), the only question is appopriatness (excuse my English). So would it be appropriate?

Note: the point 2 is pressumably realised in DUDE. But I cannot see it on my oscilloscope and I am not sure whether I do all right:

avrdude ... -i1000

By the way, what are the limits of an argument in -i key? 

And, finally, if you decide not to waste you time on my idea, what about a hint? A sugestion where to dig in the DUDE? You see, I'm not a software developer...


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