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Re: [semi-PATCH] menu title bar sizing & menu close button

From: Michael Hanni
Subject: Re: [semi-PATCH] menu title bar sizing & menu close button
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2003 11:32:33 -0800 (PST)

Hi Serg,

--- Serg Stoyan <stoyan@hologr.com> wrote:
>   This makes all menus wider because 15+4 pixels _always_ added.
>   Attached patch (NSMenuView.m.patch) makes adding 10 pixels (why 10?
>   got it in empiric way) only if neededImageAndTitleWidth not changed
>   after cycling through the menu items (menu title string is wider
>   than any menu items or there is no menu items at all).

Yeah, that is a problem. I like what you've done here... and 10 pixels is
enough. I just grabbed the values out of the rect used to place the button, but
this works well -- and it looks nice!

>   I've attached common_Close.tiff and common_CloseH.tiff. No changes
>   needed to createButton at this point. My approach is to make images
>   that looks like a bezeled and pushed hilghlighted button.

What did you use to make these images? I can't open any of them... Would you
resend please?

Thanks, I appreciate constructive criticism. ;)


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