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Re: Recent changed in NSMenu and friends

From: Michael Hanni
Subject: Re: Recent changed in NSMenu and friends
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2003 12:10:38 -0800 (PST)


--- Serg Stoyan <stoyan@on.com.ua> wrote:
>   Give me example, please, of such miswork. I have latest CVS and
>   everything works correct for me.

I emailed a few days ago about how this is broken... Load up an application,
tear off a window -- so far so good -- now go back to the main menu and
redisplay the menu you tore off: close button on a transient window. This is a
big usability issue, not to mention a visual regression from previous versions.

I just updated from CVS and this problem is still there. Not to mention that
with some small effort you can confuse the hell out of the transient menu's
display. Open up a bunch of windows in GSTest, close a couple, reopen some, and
in that melee there will be a double-draw which looks okay on the Torn-off
Windows menu but when you call up the transient it is completely hosed. (It
almost looks like there are two competing titleViews and that is what is
displacing the menu view... hmmm.)

[It is worth noting that GSTest is not really a fair test of the Windows menu.
There is some black magic in place within those tests which makes each window
update itself twice in the windows menu. Look at the restart method in the test

One other small thing, our NSMenuView is -- for all intents and purposes --
opaque so in closeTransient in NSMenu I don't think we need to set the
contentView as needing display: the addSubview for the menuview already sets
the menuview as needing display, which should be enough (?).

Sorry if this is incoherent, but I haven't had my morning coffee. :-)



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