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Re: [bug #4658] Broken gpbs when doing pb operations between GS and X

From: Stefan Urbanek
Subject: Re: [bug #4658] Broken gpbs when doing pb operations between GS and X
Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2003 23:41:52 +0200

On 2003-08-08 17:22:05 +0200 Kazunobu Kuriyama <kazunobu.kuriyama@nifty.com> 

O.K.  Because I'm not sure why gpbs doesn't work for you, could you please give
us more detailed information on the bug and the environment you use so that we 
reproduce the bug?

ok, so:

1. delete /usr/GNUstep/System
2. fresh CVS checkout, as of 8.8.2003 23:00 CET
3. make install make, base, gui, back (without any patches)
4. ldconfig

5. launch GNUmail and some xapp (nedit or ooffice or whatever)
6. select text in GNUmail, copy it
7. x-paste in nedit -> does not work

8. open some file in nedit and select all
9. paste in GNUstep app -> previously copyied text in GNUstep is pasted (should 
be X selection)

10. select something short in GNUstep and paste it in GNUstep ->works

11. select something short in X and paste it in GNUstep -> GNUstep app freezes 
for several seconds (not because of gpbs crash, but because of that failed 

That's all i can say so far. Described behaviour was experienced now.


Stefan Urbanek wrote:

On 2003-08-08 11:58:45 +0200 Kazunobu Kuriyama <kazunobu.kuriyama@nifty.com> 

nobody@savannah.gnu.org wrote:

Summary: Broken gpbs when doing pb operations between GS and X

Original Submission: 1. It is not possible to copy from GNUstep and paste in X 
app strings which contain non latin-1 characters.

Did you really copy a region you selected with a GNUstep app before trying to 
it on an X app?  Only specifying a selected region (i.e., making the background 
is not sufficient for paste; before trying it, you need to explicitly invoke 
the GNUstep
app's 'copy' once after you specify a selected region.  Please make sure the 
copy and paste operation differs from that of ordinary X apps.  You can't do 
copy and
paste even for latin-1 characters unless you do copy before paste.

Sure I know that!


3. GNUstep apps used to freeze for a while (waiting for X selection) when 
pasting from X apps.

Copy and paste is a costly operation.

Well, 'the while' = 20-30+ seconds and result is nothing (understand: no paste 
at all).

4. Sometimes it works, after i do lots of various cut&pastes.

I feel the comment on 1 also applies here.

It does not, because I am using standard way of copying in GNUstep. It seems to 
be at random ... (...now trying, to be sure again...) ...ok, at this time it 
does not work either way. Same result for 1. and for 2.

| I'm using CVS from 6 Aug 2003 and I am experiencing this only for short time.

Probably, you got accustomed to the GNUstep's copy and paste operation...

Well, see my previous comments :)

Best regards,

Stefan Urbanek

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