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Re: Issue 329 in lilypond: lyrics messed up when assigned to voices with

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: Issue 329 in lilypond: lyrics messed up when assigned to voices with different rhythms
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2008 14:19:00 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070716)

Francisco Vila wrote:

Then, you are saying that in my example

 \lyrics { \set associatedVoice = v \textDurations }   % correct
 \lyrics { \set associatedVoice = v \textNodurations } % wrong:
durations needed, issues warning

the wrong case is rather wrong implicit durations assumed, and warning
is issued for another reason?
Please give the full example. As I explained earlier, the lines

textDurations=\lyricmode{ c2 d4 e8 f longggggg1 }
textNodurations=\lyricmode{ c d e f longggggg }

are equivalent to

textDurations=\lyricmode{ c2 d4 e8 f8 longggggg1 }
textNodurations=\lyricmode{ c1 d1 e1 f1 longggggg1 }

and LilyPond gives a warning since there are syllables left when the music is over.

The warning formulation is perhaps a bit misleading, since for example you don't get any such warning in the following case, even though the result is far from perfect, to
say the least.
\new Voice = v {c'2 d'4 f' g1 }
\new Lyrics \lyricmode{ \set associatedVoice = v Two4 short syl -- lab -- les }


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