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Re: musicxml2ly tremolo tag on notes shorter than quarter

From: Martin Tarenskeen
Subject: Re: musicxml2ly tremolo tag on notes shorter than quarter
Date: Tue, 12 May 2015 22:07:52 +0200 (CEST)
User-agent: Alpine 2.11 (LFD 23 2013-08-11)

On Tue, 12 May 2015, pls wrote:

            For example what happened with the Philomenos musixcml2ly-dev fork?

Yes, Philomelos is still alive and I’m about to update the musicxml2ly-dev 
Github repo.  Over at least three years I have written almost 100 bug
reports  and many test cases for Philomelos and I will try to publish them as 
well.  We have fixed quite a few of these bugs.  I just implemented
a solution to the tremolo bug reported here.

Sound promising!

Allow to me to do a drastic suggestion. Wouldn't it be much simpler to replace the current musicxml2ly from the official LilyPond development tree with the one from Philomenos entirely and allow the Philomenos guy(s) to continue the work there, if he/they wants to?

I never quite understood why this fork was needed. And if the Philomenos version is the only one that has been actively developed since a few years now I don't see why not everyone who installs the official LilyPond should not have the latest and greatest musicxml2ly tool without extra effort?



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