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Re: Stand-alone Info and info-mode inconsistency: end of buffer behavior

From: Arsen Arsenović
Subject: Re: Stand-alone Info and info-mode inconsistency: end of buffer behavior
Date: Fri, 06 Jan 2023 21:23:17 +0100

Evening Eli,

Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> writes:

> That's not true, or at least that's not what I see on my system.  The
> Emacs Info reader goes to the next node when it reaches the end of the
> current node.  Maybe your Emacs has some customizations?  If you see
> the Emacs behavior you describe in "emacs -Q", please describe exactly
> what you do to reproduce the behavior: which manual you load and what
> commands/keys you type after that.

Reproduction steps that work for me:

1. emacs -Q --eval '(info "(info)Top")'
2. M->
3. C-n

The (info)Top node on my system has a next node ("(info)Getting
Started"), which pure ``n'' and (Info-next) take me to, but none of the
in-buffer navigation commands (including <PageUp>/<PageDown>) do.

However, I think this is a good thing.  Flipping between pages
accidentally like this can and does confuse folk who are unfamiliar with
how nodes work.

I feel as though the standalone info viewer is one of the most important
things a new GNU user would run into, and something they would run into
quite soon, due to it being referenced in all help2man'd manuals, and as
such, I feel like it's important to get an experience as close as
possible to what the person completely new to GNU would expect.

Thanks, have a wonderful evening.
Arsen Arsenović

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