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Re: Installing 3rd party files w/o knowing all dependencies

From: Doug Treder
Subject: Re: Installing 3rd party files w/o knowing all dependencies
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 15:02:53 -0700 (PDT)

I used the following procedure to copy a directory recursively.
It depends on using a unix command via perl ` backquote.  If
you're on NT maybe you can use pieces of this to do what you

sub cons::InstallRecursive {
  my ($cons, $output, $input) = @_;
  my $files = `find $input -type f`;
  foreach my $file (split(/\n/, $files)) {
    my $target = $file;
    $target =~ s/$input/$output/;
    unless ($target =~ /CVS/) {
      InstallAs $cons $target, $file;
      Default ($target);

On Wed, 11 Oct 2000, Kolarik, Tony wrote:

> I'd need to copy a bunch of 3rd party binaries from within the build tree to
> a central export directory.  It can't depend on a particular file, I'd
> rather not enumerate every file that the copy operations depend on, and it
> should be a one time operation that happens no matter what target gets built
> first.  I want to be sure that if *anything* got built into export then
> these files are there  installed there too.
> Can someone offer a clean way to do this?  Command just isn't happy with my
> efforts so far, which at this point probably make no sense.  In any event
> Command never seems to get what it wants to do my copy.  
> As an aside the way the doc reads to me almost sounds like Install or
> InstallAs will do just copy arbitrary files if they are out of date or don't
> exist in the target directory.  Doesn't seem to work that way though.
> Thanks a lot,
>  -- Tony K.
> # in construct at root of tree
>       # copy files needed for packaging
>       my @THIRDPARTYFILES = ();
>       if ($BUILDTYPE eq 'release') {
>               @THIRDPARTYFILES  = qw(
>                       ace.dll 
>                       blt24.dll
>                       itcl31.dll
>                       itk31.dll
>                       MSVCIRT.DLL
>                       MSVCP60.DLL
>                       MSVCRT.DLL
>                       tcl82.dll
>                       tclpip82.dll
>                       tk82.dll
>                       tls7012d.dll
>                       xerces-c_1_1.dll
>                       xmlparse.dll
>                       xmltok.dll
>                       );
>       }
>       else {
>               @THIRDPARTYFILES = qw(
>                       aced.dll
>                       blt24.dll
>                       itcl31.dll
>                       itk31.dll
>                       MSVCIRTD.DLL
>                       MSVCP60D.DLL
>                       MSVCRTD.DLL
>                       tcl82.dll
>                       tclpip82.dll
>                       tk82.dll
>                       tls7015d.dll
>                       xerces-c_1_1.dll
>                       xerces-c_1_1.pdb
>                       xmlparse.dll
>                       xmltok.dll
>                       );
>       }
>       $abscwd = cwd();
>       $exppath = DirPath $BIN;
>       $absexp = "$abscwd/$exppath"; 
>       # the files exist in #bin/debug or #bin/release 
>       @EXTFILES  = map("bin/$BUILDTYPE/$_", @THIRDPARTYFILES);
>       # $BIN is #export/debug/bin or #export/release/bin
>       print "EXTFILES: @EXTFILES\n\n";
>       print "TARGETFILES: @TARGETFILES\n\n";
>       # this echo's zilch     
>       $CONS->Command(address@hidden, address@hidden,
>                  qq( 
>                  echo %< %> 
>                  ));
> _______________________________________________
> address@hidden
> Cons URL:

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