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Re: [GNU/consensus] ZCash vs Taler

From: Christian Grothoff
Subject: Re: [GNU/consensus] ZCash vs Taler
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2016 17:23:16 +0200
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Actually, our ideal goes slightly beyond that: you don't submit
anything. You just pay your taxes following the rules, and IF the
government decides to do an audit, the you have to submit the
(cryptographically signed) contracts as evidence that you did pay the
right amount of taxes based on the rules.

So for those years where you are not audited, the government doesn't
even need to get records.  And we can all understand that probabilistic
audits with reasonably high penalties in relation to the audit frequency
(for example, say the fine is 5x of what you owed if you did it wrong,
then audit at greater than 1/5 probability) is perfectly sufficient as
it eliminates the economic incentive to cheat by making the expected
return on fraud negative.  This way, your private business (like private
sales) could really remains completely private 4/5 of the time (except
you don't know in which cases it might be revealed).

And of course, as Lynx said, the specific rules of if/when transactions
are subject to tax is up to the government to determine.

On 09/05/2016 05:04 PM, carlo von lynX wrote:
> Also, just because you have income in form of taler and
> need to declare it to your tax office when it exceeds
> certain thresholds doesn't mean you can't declare a
> reasonable amount to be achieved by exchange of private goods,
> excempt from taxes. That should work in most countries even today.
> You print out a paper declaring you got 400€ in taler for
> selling your old laptop and sign it, submit it, done.

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