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Re: Cannot commit to SVN (could under CVS though)

From: R. Bernstein
Subject: Re: Cannot commit to SVN (could under CVS though)
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 04:56:05 -0500 (EST)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.5

That did it! Thanks your patience in following this through.

Changes have been commited in the pydb branch.

I should mention that there was one change that seems to me a small
general bug. If you run ddd and get the pop-up window under Status/Signals
and then press one of the buttons for help, "?", say under SIGINT, what
happens is that the following command is run:

 "info -f libc -n 'Variable Index' SIGINT -o -"

and the output is parsed for help. In particular, in ddd/settings.C there
is this line:

        int start = s.index(" - Macro: int " + sig);

But the output from "info" that I get say for SIGINT is this:
 -- Macro: int SIGINT
     The `SIGINT' ("program interrupt") signal is sent when the user

My guess is that at one time that info output looked more like this:

 - Macro: int SIGINT

which matches the code above.

One of the changes committed to the pydb branch is to remove that initial
blank. This will then allow both kinds of output to match.

> On 1/14/07, R. Bernstein <address@hidden> wrote:
>> I can think of only two other things. One is that somehow there's an
>> ACL. The other thing (which may in fact be related) is to get listed
>> as a "developer" in
>>    http://sourceforge.net/project/memberlist.php?group_id=7500
>> Right now me and Daniel Schepler are the only ones not listed as
>> "developer".
> OK, let's try that... fixed.  Can you try again?
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