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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Distcheck error on latest trunk

From: Michael Dickens
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Distcheck error on latest trunk
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 12:45:24 -0500

On Jan 22, 2009, at 12:29 PM, Johnathan Corgan wrote:
Looks like we're going to need to change the SWIG detection mechanism in the build to conditionally define SWIGPYTHONARGS based on the detected version. Do you want to take stab at that?

GNU Radio right now requires SWIG 1.3.31 or newer, which should all work correctly using "-outdir ." (it being redundant with the behavior of those versions of SWIG). 1.3.37 also works correctly with this flag (I've checked it). Hence I would -much- prefer to just add this flag to SWIGPYTHONARGS in Makefile.common, then change those Makefile.am's which require SWIG to make use of SWIGPYTHONARGS. It's a global (to GNU Radio), backwards and forwards compatible (to SWIG), solution, and in the whole scheme of things a really minimal change to GNU Radio. Unless you (or Eric or someone else) really objects, I'll create a branch with those changes ASAP to get them into the 3.2 release (and thus have them be compatible with MacPorts' installed SWIG).

I just forked the 3.2 release branch from the trunk, and am prepping it for a 3.2rc0 release. I expect to go through a series of release candidates for the official 3.2 [snip] Or will the stuff you're describing live entirely outside the source code tree?

The MacPorts folks like to control Portfiles once submitted, hence I don't think placing those files into the trunk makes any sense. I haven't written the other files yet for creating / using GNU Radio on OSX, so I'm not even thinking about where to place them at this time ... once that chunk of code is working, I'll be thinking about it.

I was more wondering if there is a goal as to the release time, e.g., 1 month, or March 1, or "whenever we get there"? - MLD

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