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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2 and Data Rate

From: Matt Ettus
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2 and Data Rate
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 2010 09:33:34 -0700
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On 07/07/2010 09:05 AM, Garrett Wenger wrote:
First of all, thanks for responding so quickly.

I looked on the USRP2 faq and I did see that the DAC rate was listed as
400 MS/s, but later on in the faq it says:
     The FPGA talks to the DAC at 100 MS/s just like it talks to the ADC
at 100 MS/s. The interpolation from 100 MS/s to 400 MS/s happens inside
the DAC chip itself. Unless you are doing something fancy, you can think
of the
     DAC as operating at 100 MS/s.

If I am just misunderstanding that and I do need to use 400 MS/s as my
DAC rate, is there some upper limit to what the samples per symbol value
can be? Since interpolation has to be between 4 and 512, the lowest
possible values that I could use to get a 10kbps would be 80 samples per
symbol with 500 as my interpolation rate.

Do all sample rate calculations based on a 100 MS/s DAC, just like the ADC. So an interp rate on transmit of X will have the same sample rate as using decim rate X on receive.


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