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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] SSB/CW/FM tranceiver

From: Kevin Reid
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] SSB/CW/FM tranceiver
Date: Sat, 7 Nov 2015 15:05:34 -0800

On Nov 7, 2015, at 13:13, Mike Willis <address@hidden> wrote:

> GQRX works very well but is there or might there be any plans to
> develop a comprehensive tranceiver based on gnuradio?
> SDRs like the hackRF and the Ettus USRPs provide great building blocks
> for a VHF/UHF amateur radio station, with only filtering and
> amplification needed to cover all bands from 4m to 6cm, yet I see
> little work on such things, which is odd. Maybe there is no interest
> but there might be.

Here's some interest.

The _problem_ with using a HackRF (though not a USRP) for such purposes is that 
gr-osmosdr, the common GNU Radio block for various SDR hardware, does not 
support half-duplex operation well; you have to shut down the receive flowgraph 
in order to transmit, and vice versa.

gr-osmosdr does not have any issue tracker in use that I know of, so I've 
written this down elsewhere:


Would you be interested in working on this problem?

Once this is fixed, I fully intend to enhance my application ShinySDR 
<https://github.com/kpreid/shinysdr/> to be a complete transceiver. I have 
already prototyped with a kludged version (see 
<https://pairlist9.pair.net/pipermail/hackrf-dev/2015-June/001240.html>) but 
this kludge turns out to be unstable on my current dev machine so I have not 
made progress with it.

On the other hand, my understanding is that there are no such barriers to using 
a USRP in this manner. I don't currently have any USRP hardware to test with, 

Kevin Reid                                  <http://switchb.org/kpreid/>

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