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Question on OOT- Modules installation path

From: Volker Schroer
Subject: Question on OOT- Modules installation path
Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2020 12:59:03 +0200
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I'm trying to expand the gr-osmosdr oot module using the funcube ( fcd,
fcdproplus ) modules. While gr-fcd formerly was a part of gnuradio and
disappeard in 3.8, fcdproplus was always a oot module.

In gnuradio >=3.8 oot modules provide gnuradio-{oot-name}Config.cmake
and some others.

Now I came across that using gr_modtool these files will be installed to
${GNURADIO_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/cmake/"Module name",
while some other oot's like gr-iqbal or gr-osmosdr put these files to


This path has consequences how to find these modules later.

So my question:
What is the recommended path for these files.

Thanks in advance
-- Volker

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