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Re: Porting autogsdoc to OSX

From: Marcus Müller
Subject: Re: Porting autogsdoc to OSX
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 14:18:23 +0100

On Tuesday, February 26, 2002, at 01:23 PM, Nicola Pero wrote:

I sure see your problem with porting, and hope you can find a good

But my point is that the solution is *not* to downgrade gnustep-base to
use #import.

Hm, that's a pitty, but you'll have good reasons not to do so I guess.

If the Apple Foundation headers are not protected against multiple
inclusions, that is a bug in their headers. Fill in a bug report and tell

This is certainly something I could do. However my latest experiences regarding quality assurance/management within Apple are not too promising - and this issue sure is something they'd better neglect than they'd like to cope with I guess.

NB - GNUstep headers work if you #import them.  You can #import them if
you like.  We use #include because it's better, but nothing prevents you
from using #import.

Well, that's something I don't understand. In my understanding #import statements should be better by far, because they take the burden of "safeguarding" your headers from you and they're also faster, as they prevent headers from being opened more than once - something which the #include thing cannot do. So why is it you consider #include superior over #import statements (asking out of curiosity)?



Marcus Mueller  .  .  .  crack-admin/coder ;-)
Mulle kybernetiK  .  http://www.mulle-kybernetik.com
Current projects: finger znek@mulle-kybernetik.com

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