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Re: Window Maker weirdness

From: oberhage
Subject: Re: Window Maker weirdness
Date: 4 May 2006 13:30:34 GMT
User-agent: tin/1.4.6-20020816 ("Aerials") (UNIX) (AIX/5-1)


Chris Vetter <chris.vetter@gmail.com> wrote:
:> AnApplication.app".
: [...]
: Try to set
: [...]
:    openapp GNUMail.app %d

: for "Command for files dropped with DND."

: If you now drag and drop a file icon over the application icon located 
: 'in' the dock, the application should now start and automagically open 
: the file.

That(!) is an interesting point, although admittedly more WindowMaker than
GNUstep: Does DND "work" for you?

The reason I ask is the following: it doesn't work for me (what's may be
obvious), and that has a history. It used to work with Debian 'woody' and
WindowMaker 0.8 (iirc), but when 'legacy OFFIX_DND' was removed, it didn't
any longer - now with version 0.91 for Debian 'sarge', it doesn't.

I then tried to recompile WindowMaker myself with enabled XDND - declared
as experimental - in wconfig.h; but now there is a missing function/macro
get_dnd_selection() (from the 'old' OFFIX_DND implentation, obviously) in
misc.c, that prevents the compilation.

Thus my question - has anyone got a working version of DND and can explain
an innocent fool :-) how to make it work?

Thanks a lot,
 Ruediger Oberhage
H.-R. Oberhage
Mail: Univ. Duisburg-Essen      E-Mail: oberhage@Uni-Essen.DE
      Fachbereich Physik                ruediger@Theo-Phys.Uni-Essen.DE
      Campus Essen, S05 V07 E88
      Universitaetsstrasse 5    Phone:  (+49) 201 / 183-2493
      45141 Essen, Germany      FAX:    (+49) 201 / 183-4578

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