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Re: xim doesn't work (scim)

From: Omniscient
Subject: Re: xim doesn't work (scim)
Date: Sun, 3 May 2009 05:27:47 -0700 (PDT)
User-agent: G2/1.0

On May 3, 3:17 pm, Zhang Weiwu <zhangwe...@realss.com> wrote:
> Hello.
> In TextEditor or Terminal (in fact, all GNUstep applications) xim (scim
> 1.0) doesn't seem to work.
> I don't know if other xim works, in my case I made sure environment
> variables are correctly set, and Chinese input is working fine for gtk
> applications like firefox & thunderbird. With GNUStep applications I can
> call on the xim software with ctrl+space and they do respond with a
> input window, but typing any Chinese characters, the Chinese character
> would not appear in the text area.
> I first think this is font-related, but I already set in Pref.app that
> for every case the font used is Wenquanyi (a font contain Chinese
> ideograph glyphs). Then I think it is backend related. I am using arts,
> next alternative is cairo (doesn't work for me, have problem to properly
> display text) and xlib (could not manage to install this backend, issue
> mentioned in a separate post).
> I also googled around and found most discussion about xim and gnustep is
> 6 or more years old. Seems nothing was happening related to xim in
> GNUStep for some 5 to 6 years.
> And, where do I start from here?
> Thanks in advance.

I have been looking forward to iiimf but I never really
use these things so I don't really know.
May be we GNUstep could hire someone to do that?
BTW, I think it was Kuriyama Kazunobu?
that told me that supporting this is hard
since you need to modify things in many level
including in attributed string or may be any
string or something, so I didn't want to touch it.

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