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Re: Compiling on openbsd with gcc4.8, executables fail to run

From: Sebastian Reitenbach
Subject: Re: Compiling on openbsd with gcc4.8, executables fail to run
Date: Thu, 02 Jan 2014 08:20:35 +0100
User-agent: SOGoMail 2.1.1b

On Wednesday, January 1, 2014 21:08 CET, Riccardo Mottola 
<riccardo.mottola@libero.it> wrote: 
> Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:
> > One of the reasons I named the libobjc2 library libobjc2.so.X.X
> > in the ports tree is because of the naming clash problems.
> >
> > I'm sorry but you omitted the answers to my questions above
> > to be able to help you, and to understand why you are doing it.
> I think I answered you? I don't need need to install another libobjc, 
> since I want to use gcc's one.
> Essentially, my goal is just to compile as I would with the system 
> compiler, just with another gcc version. I think it is quite legitimate.

I haven't said its not legitimate. But I guess you are trying to solve a
problem, I guess you are not doing it for self entertaining.
I was asking for the reason why you want to do it to understand 
your ultimate goal, or the problem you want to solve.
Ports/packages of gnustep are available for i386, amd64 and macppc platforms.
So I was wondering if you try to get it running on a different
platform where no ports are available, or if a port is not working for

> I'm wondering if this is a shortcoming of how gcc4 is packaged in 
> openbsd or by gnustep's make. I need to give precedence to the 
> /usr/local version of libobjc to the system one.
> At the end it is a plausible scenario to have more than one compiler 
> version installed.
> Of course if you have gcc vs. clang it is easyer, since with clang you 
> install a different libobjc!

with clang, you don't install any libobjc together. You may use the
gcc libobjc, OR a different one, its up to you.

> What options/flags could be used for that?

For the ports I had to use the gnustep-make flag:

But that will not help if both libobjc libs, from base gcc, and
a ports gcc have the same name, or .so.VERSION extended.

gnustep makes configure --help specifies to use the flag like this:

But that did not worked for me at all.
But maybe you can here try to use what Wolfgang proposed, with
regard to the LDFLAGS.


> Riccardo

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