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Re: XCode project to GNUstep GNUmakefile within ProjectCenter

From: Patrick Cardona
Subject: Re: XCode project to GNUstep GNUmakefile within ProjectCenter
Date: Wed, 08 Jul 2020 22:47:48 +0200
User-agent: GNUMail (Version 1.3.0)

Hi Gregory and Johannes,

On 2020-07-08 21:45:59 +0200 Gregory Casamento <greg.casamento@gmail.com> wrote:

> The only thing I see stopping you from building MacPass is it's dependency
> on Carbon.  It's been 19 years, folks.  Carbon should be a thing of the
> distant past, though some could say the same about Cocoa, it's kind of
> weird to still have things which depend on Carbon.   That being said we do
> have a library called "Boron" which is supposed to be a replacement for
> Carbon, but I haven't used it so I am unaware of it's completeness.   Using
> Carthage under Linux and GNUstep might not work, but I am pretty certain,
> from a glance, that it would not be too hard to get it to work under
> GNUstep.

I agree with the fact Macpass is not able to be made easily with buildtool.

pi@raspberrypi:~/Fabrique/___MacPass $ buildtool
Unable to find value for key "indentWidth" of object <PBXGroup: 0x208c15c> 
(PBXGroup), key = indentWidth, value = 2, object = <PBXGroup: 0x208c15c>
** Start operation Build
=== Building Project
=== Applying Build Configuration Release
=== Done Applying Build Configuration for Release
=== Building Target MacPass
=== Applying Build Configuration Release
=== Done Applying Build Configuration for Release
=== Checking Dependencies
=== Done.
=== Executing build phases...
=== Executing Sources Build Phase
        * Building MacPass/MPAutotypeDoctor.m
=== Sources Build Phase Completed
*** Failed build phase: <PBXSourcesBuildPhase: 0x1f7d70c>
=== Done...
=== Completed Executing Target Maass
=== Completed Building Project
** Build Failed

I keep on looking for alternatives...
I saw also this kind of application is already in the wish list, as the key 
word "Keychain". 

> GC
> On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 8:05 PM Patrick Cardona via Discussion list for the
> GNUstep programming environment <discuss-gnustep@gnu.org> wrote:
>> Hi Johannes,
>> On 2020-07-07 21:42:24 +0200 Johannes Brakensiek <johannes@brakensiek.info>
>> wrote:
>>> On 7 Jul 2020, at 20:39, Gregory Casamento wrote:
>>>> The two TARGETED apps you mentioned are also both UIKit apps which we
>>>> currently don't support.
>>> The corresponding AppKit app is MacPass, which surely would be worth a
>> try to
>>> port it. I’d not expect it to compile using GNUstep without changes
>> though.
>>> https://github.com/MacPass/MacPass
>> Thank You for the link. I will try it soon, when I shall be enough
>> experienced with buildtool.
>> Cheers,
>> Patrick C.
>>> Johannes

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