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Re: [DotGNU]Gnome to be based on .NET

From: David Sugar
Subject: Re: [DotGNU]Gnome to be based on .NET
Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2002 21:08:42 -0500
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First, free software is about providing free choices and tools to further users who have real needs. Should we not have a free C compiler because there are proprietary ones? That we may not like what Microsoft does does not mean we should ignore those users who would be required to do things using proprietary tools if we ignore their stuff. That we can have them do these things on free operating systems using entirely free tools are even better. When you do not have control of a language you do not have a community that can develop free software in the language of their choice, especially if there are no implimentations being provided for our chosen platforms.

What Miguel is intending I do not know, although personally I think it is a mistake the way Mono has been developed since this is being done using proprietary tools where it is clear by Rhys work this was not nessisary to do. That he openly encourages people to use and develop under proprietary software and this I find very problematic.


Rhys Weatherley wrote:

"William G. Thompson, Jr." wrote:

I've been lurking here for quite some time, and I must say I really don't
get it.  Why would anyone concerned with Freedom and Free Software
waste cycles helping to further the dubious agenda coming out of
Redmond ?!?!

DotGNU is intended to provide a credible alternative to the
stuff coming out of Redmond so that another generation of
programmers and users don't end up getting locked into yet
another monopoly.  This won't "further" the agenda so much
as keep them honest about it.

The GNU Project always had the goal of building a free
alternative to Unix.  For many years, they were "wasting cycles"
replicating what the commercial Unices were doing to further
their own dubious agendas.  In the end, GNU won.  The
commercial Unices are dying off one by one in the face
of GNU/Linux.



P.S. crashes my GNU/Linux Netscape 4.72
browser dead.  I had to use IE on Windows to view it.
Could you please fix your Web site to be friendlier to
browsers that are commonly used on free operating systems?

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