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Re: More Cyrillic vs UTF-8

From: Simon Josefsson
Subject: Re: More Cyrillic vs UTF-8
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2003 01:08:53 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09002 (Oort Gnus v0.20) XEmacs/21.4 (Portable Code, linux)

Kenichi Handa <address@hidden> writes:

> Richard Stallman <address@hidden> writes:
>>     +* Encoding some characters as Unicode is rejected by Emacs.
>>     +
>>     +Emacs currently only supports the parts of the BMP whose codepoints
>>     +are in the ranges 0000-33ff and e000-ffff.  If you try to save a file
>>     +containing characters with code points outside this range, Emacs will
>>     +suggest other compatible coding systems.
>> That is clearer; it's written in terms of behavior the user sees.
>> I agree with the people who said that the codepoint numbers may not
>> be clear enough.
> Perhaps, it is better to mention utf-translate-cjk mode as this. 
> * Encoding some characters as Unicode (UTF-8) is rejected by Emacs.
> Emacs currently, by default, only supports the parts of the
> BMP whose codepoints are in the ranges 0000-33ff and
> e000-ffff.  This excludes CJK, Yi, Music, and Maths.
> If you try to save a file containing characters with code
> points outside this range, Emacs will suggest other
> compatible coding systems.
> By turing Utf-Translate-Cjk mode on, many more CJK
> characters are included in the support.

This looks good.

As for utf-translate-cjk, it does sounds like that functionality
should be enabled by default.  Is the only problem that loading them
is slow?  Perhaps it can be loaded lazily?

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