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Re: Modern Conventions for Emacs Lisp files?

From: Andreas Röhler
Subject: Re: Modern Conventions for Emacs Lisp files?
Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2013 15:54:25 +0200
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Am 08.04.2013 15:22, schrieb Stefan Monnier:
1. File structuring with outcommented Org-mode headlines (;; * Headline)

There is already a standard for that:

    ;;; Headline
    ;;;; SubHeadline
    ;;;;; SubSubHeadline

outline-minor-mode understands it.

2. Meta information not as free text anymore but as Org-mode properties,
maybe like this:
| * navi-mode.el --- major-mode for easy buffer-navigation
|   :copyright: Thorsten Jolitz
|   :copyright-years: 2013
|   :version:  0.9
|   :licence:  GPL 2 or later (free software)
|   :licence-url: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
|   :part-of-emacs: no
|   :author: Thorsten Jolitz
|   :author_email: tjolitz AT gmail DOT com
|   :inspiration:  occur-mode org-mode
|   :keywords: emacs outline lisp
|   :END:

There is already a non-free-text section with such meta-info,
manipulated with lisp-mnt.el functions.  It looks like

    ;; Author: Chinua Achebe <address@hidden>
    ;; Maintainer: FSF
    ;; Package: emacs

It's not the same format, but that shouldn't be a major issue.


Reads like another argument not to hard-code "*" as headers


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