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Re: Modern Conventions for Emacs Lisp files?

From: Thorsten Jolitz
Subject: Re: Modern Conventions for Emacs Lisp files?
Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2013 22:37:30 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130002 (Ma Gnus v0.2) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

Stefan Monnier <address@hidden> writes:

>>>> 1. File structuring with outcommented Org-mode headlines (;; * Headline)
>>> There is already a standard for that:
>>> ;;; Headline
>>> ;;;; SubHeadline
>>> ;;;;; SubSubHeadline
>>> outline-minor-mode understands it.
>> ok, lets put it like this: I wanted to let fellow Emacs/Org-mode users
>> know that they can have the same thing in Org-mode style now.
> I was responding to:
>> Would it make sense to define 'modern conventions for Emacs Lisp files'
>> based on all this new functionality and the popularity of Org-mode?
> Your message wasn't quite clear on what those "modern" conventions would
> look like.  I'd be happy to refine/extend/tweak the existing
> conventions, but switching to different ones would be a lot
> more problematic.

The modern conventions would just be that headlines are outcommented
Org-mode headlines with whatever comment syntax the major-mode at hand

Thus the info about 'this is a headline' and 'this headline is level X'
is entirely in the Org-mode headers, the comment-characters are only
for that - outcommenting these headers. 

Thats the way outshine.el and outorg.el work, so they should in theory
work with all kinds of major-modes where 'comment-region' and
'uncomment-region' are defined, even those not yet written. 

That are of course different conventions, and I did not want to push any
big problematic moves or so. But with all the momentum and popularity
Org-mode enjoys, maybe such an 'Org-mode' style structuring of source
code files could become an accepted second choice (and if only in
libraries that are not part of Emacs). 


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