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Re: cl-defgeneric vs random funcall in project.el

From: João Távora
Subject: Re: cl-defgeneric vs random funcall in project.el
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2015 09:45:39 +0100

On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 4:07 AM, Stephen Leake
<address@hidden> wrote:
> João Távora <address@hidden> writes:
>> I wrote somewhere else that I think some kind of vision is needed
>> for the whole thing (a simple ASCII diagram would do for
>> me). Personally, I tend to like your approach and it seems to be modular
>> and simple, but I got lost in the details of your discussion with Stephen...
>> Is the general picture something like this?
>>                      uses              auto-picks one
>>                    fns from         and gets info from
>>   +---------------+        +----------+        +----------------+
>>   |    xref       |        |          |        |   project-vc   |
>>   |  M-x compile  |------->|project.el|------->|project-makefile|
>>   |grep-my-project|        |          |        |  project-xcode |
>>   +---------------+        +----------+        +----------------+
> That's the design I'm trying to follow, but I'm not clear what Dmitry
> thinks; he doesn't like grep-project, for example.

Perhaps he doesn't because xref kind of supersedes it right, it?  But
I agree it should be possible to implement grep-project and to get the
dirs it needs from a single interface in project.el

> On the other hand, you can in principle use 'ede.el' instead of
> 'project.el'. I'm persuing that idea for a while; if that works well
> enough, then there's no need for project.el.

I suppose. I tried, but not very hard, ede.el in the past. The reason
I didn't try very hard is that it scared me. If I recall pcorrectly,
there a lot to setup, new concepts to learn... and a funnyly named
file to edit:

I'm really hoping project.el vc-aware interface can:

* automatically understand 90% of my projects automatically.

* For the other 5% I'll try to make the projects themselves conform to
  some other standard representation that some other project backend
  automatically understands, i.e. I would rename targets of Makefiles
  and relocate dependencies if that helped some hypothetocal backend
  (that I assume is well designed)

* For the other 5% I'll bite the bullet and edit a file at the root
  of the project. I just hope that file is .dir-locals.el.

João Távora

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