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Re: Making `interactive' conditional

From: John Wiegley
Subject: Re: Making `interactive' conditional
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2016 22:24:35 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.130014 (Ma Gnus v0.14) Emacs/24.5 (darwin)

>>>>> Stefan Monnier <address@hidden> writes:

> I think that pretending that "foo" is not interactive just because you're
> not in the right context is going too far.

Lots of great discussion on this feature while I was away for a few days!
After reading the comments, it does seem that changing core to get a smarter
M-x isn't the best plan right now.

While some may want a more narrow and efficient M-x, others just don't, for
discovery purposes. Also, it's hard to properly define a "context" for when
commands should appear, since for some, that notion varies.

And, well, Stefan's argument about impurity sold me. I have a feeling he knew
it would, too. :)

I'd still love to see a faster, more apropos M-x develop in ELPA, if anyone is
interested in making that happen.

John Wiegley                  GPG fingerprint = 4710 CF98 AF9B 327B B80F
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