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Re: Is it time to drop ChangeLogs?

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: Is it time to drop ChangeLogs?
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2016 19:09:22 +0200

> From: Nikolaus Rath <address@hidden>
> Cc: address@hidden
> Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2016 07:56:29 -0700
> If I send Reply-To to my address, but the reader wants to reply to the
> list, he/she has to manually edit the recipient address. If I sent
> Reply-To to the list, the reader has to manually edit the recipient
> address if he/she wants to a reply just to me.
> The Mail-Copies-To header solves this properly.

IME, you are assuming too much about the MUA on the other side --
quite a few will behave the same with Mail-Copies-To as with Reply-To,
or even ignore the former entirely.

Anyway, if Reply-To doesn't work for you, I'm out of ideas (and I'm
not an expert on this to begin with, just a long-time user).

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