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Re: delete-selection-mode as default (WAS: Some developement questions)

From: tomas
Subject: Re: delete-selection-mode as default (WAS: Some developement questions)
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2018 22:28:47 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

On Fri, Sep 07, 2018 at 12:23:07PM -0700, Drew Adams wrote:
> > Typical case of "two cultures", I guess.
> Really? What two cultures are those?
> Different default values of `delete-selection-mode'?
> Or are you trying to suggest some wider difference
> that is indicated/reflected by that difference?

I think you are reading too much into what I wrote, but
I'm not sure.

> IMHO, this is only about that specific difference. I doubt
> that you will find meaningful alignment/correlation between
> views on that question and other views, including other views
> about editing or Emacs.

I guess there's some alignment. I always feel awkward when
editing in a browser, for example. It reminds me fatally
of Notepad, back then. And it's not just selection handling.

But hey, everyone swings differently.

> I wouldn't advise generalizing this to include pro/con
> mouse, menus, key bindings, GUI, visual lines, fonts, OS,...

I think it's more subtle, but somehow related, yes.

-- t

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