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Re: visual-region-mode? (was: delete-selection-mode as default)

From: Yuri Khan
Subject: Re: visual-region-mode? (was: delete-selection-mode as default)
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2018 12:43:16 +0700

On Tue, Sep 11, 2018 at 3:01 AM Charles A. Roelli <address@hidden> wrote:

> Can you say how there can be multiple regions active, and how there
> can be "multiple ways of being active"?  The region is normally
> defined as "the text between point and mark", for one, and whether the
> mark is active depends on the value of the buffer-local variable
> 'mark-active'.

By the way, this definition of region is flawed.

The mark is buffer-local, while the point is buffer-and-window-local.
Display a buffer B in windows X and Y, mark a region in window X, then
switch to window Y. Suddenly, an entirely unrelated fragment of text
is highlighted as region.

A consistent definition of a persistent region would make it an
interval between two buffer-local markers, both of which are distinct
from the point.

A consistent definition of a transient region would make the mark also
buffer-and-window-local, so that buffer B in windows X and Y could
have completely independently marked regions.

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