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Re: jit-lock-antiblink-grace

From: Alan Mackenzie
Subject: Re: jit-lock-antiblink-grace
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2019 10:18:34 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.10.1 (2018-07-13)

Hello, Jaão.

On Sat, Oct 12, 2019 at 23:26:00 +0100, João Távora wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 12, 2019 at 5:14 PM Alan Mackenzie <address@hidden> wrote:

> > > Regarding slowdown, we have to check by how much.  Regarding the
> > > pertinence of the modificaiton, there are mode-specific modifications
> > > with (IMO much worse) backward-incompatible behaviour being made to
> > > modes like to c-mode to circumvent precisely this problem.
> > No.

> You're right. I never really understood _your_ motivation for it.  Of
> all its serious drawbacks, the only positive effect that others --
> indeed not you -- effectively pointed out is that it partially solves
> the "flashing" or "blinking" problem for users who don't use
> electric-pair-mode, smartparens, or similar solutions.  In contrast,
> your explanations for that particular feature, which conflated syntax
> and font-lock considerations, were always nonsensical to me.  With all
> sincerity, whenever I tried to follow your logic I came to a insoluble
> contradiction.  Alas, I'm afraid my ability to follow the same arguments
> hasn't evolved much in the meantime, and so I very much wish not to
> rehash that discussion.

> Anyway, after recognizing the legitimacy of the aforementioned
> "flashing" problem (which, again, I avoid with electric-pair-mode), I
> took up a stuggestion by Stefan for an alternative way to solve that
> problem.  So that there would be less justification to the
> behaviour-breaking changes to CC Mode, or at least so that other mode
> authors aren't encouraged to replicate your approach, that I personally
> consider harmful.

Why do you have to be so hostile?

You start by snipping my entire post, bar one word, so that people can't
see my point of view that you're supposedly replying to.

Then you generally disparage my work, vaguely and unspecifically.  If
there's something about CC Mode workings you don't like, say what it is.
Then I can see if the mode can be further improved.

The one specific feature you referred to in the past, namely syntactic
matching of disjoint string quotes (i.e. on different lines), I
implemented back in July.

Please don't post more posts like the one I'm replying to.  They're not
helpful, and spoil the generally positive and cooperative tone on this

> João

Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).

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