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Re: Feature branches review please (ivy hello)

From: Gregory Heytings
Subject: Re: Feature branches review please (ivy hello)
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 2020 12:07:50 +0000
User-agent: Alpine 2.22 (NEB 394 2020-01-19)

You may see how dmenu which is separate program works under X Window system to launch files:

1.8M demo of dmenu program: https://gnu.support/images/2020/11/2020-11-05/2020-11-06-01:38:29.ogv

I looked at this, I honestly don't see how this is different from icomplete/ido. AFAICS you select a program name by typing its name.

;; 1. It should get selection by using words in reverse order, for
;;    example to select "AMERICAN SAMOA" when one writes "SAMOA

Again, please try (setq completion-styles (cons 'flex completion-styles)). With this "foo bar" matches both "foo bar" and "bar foo" (and also "far boo", "boo far", ...).

;; 2. Highlighting like in Ivy or Helm or Dmenu

The default settings for icomplete/ido have some "highlighting", but probably not the one you want. For example the current match is in bold.

;; 3. Capability to choose other actions, not only the default action,
;;    like M-o in Ivy or TAB in Helm.
;; 4. Capability to choose multiple items, like marking of the item
;;    with C-c SPC in Helm and conducting actions on multiple items

These two features are not part of icomplete/ido, indeed. If you need them, use ivy or helm. Or wait until someone finds the time and energy to implement them for icomplete/ido. Or find the time and energy to implement them for icomplete/ido.

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