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RE: on helm substantial differences

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: on helm substantial differences
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2020 08:56:28 -0800 (PST)

> >> > `rich' is a poor choice, IMO - it doesn't mean much.
> >>
> >> This is a reference to the package ivy-rich
> >
> > Might as well call it `enhanced', `special', `super',
> > or `wonderful'.  Does "rich" have a meaning that
> > suggests something here other than "full" or "great"?
> If you don't like "rich" do you think "wise" is better?

No, not I.  "Wise" doesn't tell me anything about it.
Nor would "DWIM".  Nor would "smart".  Just one opinion.

I agree with Eli that the name can better describe the
thing.  And I already said that, if no better name can
be found, then `ivy-rich' would be OK, if "ivy-rich"
is in fact what it's called outside vanilla Emacs and
users can find a description by googling for "ivy rich"
or "ivy-rich".

> Whereas current completions are column-oriented,
> completions in the proposed format are line-wise.

Sorry, I don't know what it means for completions to be
column-oriented or line-oriented.  But if you're saying
that that's the distinction, then sure, maybe a name
that covers that would be appropriate.

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