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Re: Gitlab Migration

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: Re: Gitlab Migration
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 2021 21:07:18 +0300
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On 04.09.2021 17:33, Óscar Fuentes wrote:

If this is about replicating what other popular text editors do, why not
simply create emulation modes? sublime-mode, vs-code-mode, etc. Emacs
has a long tradition doing that (see the successive Vi(m) emulation

I think it's more about being a little less alien right away (which is where a lot of first users will bounce off), and about showing off some of the little niceties that others have but we have disabled (to make first good impression), like show-paren and the electric modes.

And having some better defaults, where we for some reasons cannot incorporate them in the stock configuration.

I'll mention that the proposed configuration theming has an important
side-effect: in practice, the user no longer is using Emacs, but a
customization that makes difficult to provide support and benefiting
from existing published resources. An example: if someone posts a
question on help-emacs, the first thing I need to know if he is using
one of those config themes; if the answer is "yes", most likely I will
unable to assist him because I must know the theme and adapt my
instructions in accordance.

One idea was that report-emacs-bug would mention the enabled profiles. Some assistance for help ports, and for other means of bug reporting (other bug trackers, e.g. for third-party packages) could be added too.

IMAO all those arguments about newcomers being turned off by weird
defaults is overblown. I agree that several defaults could be better,
but Emacs should not bend over to compete with the low-effort,
install-and-run editors. IMHO Emacs target audience should de the
high-effort, high-productivity individuals.

I disagree with that: Emacs can fit lots of different users.

Things like C-x are not so
important on that context.

...but I would prefer to move the cua-mode setting to a separate profile too. Or have it like a separate checkbox in the wizard, or similar.

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