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Re: Elisp LSP Server

From: Theodor Thornhill
Subject: Re: Elisp LSP Server
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2021 09:45:21 +0200

On October 25, 2021 9:22:36 AM GMT+02:00, Alexandre Garreau 
<galex-713@galex-713.eu> wrote:
>Le lundi 25 octobre 2021, 04:17:51 CEST Richard Stallman a écrit :
>> [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider    ]]]
>> [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,     ]]]
>> [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]
>>   > > The OP was referring to being able to open "VS Code" (a version of
>>   > > it)
>>   > > inside the browser. It's a "cloud IDE" sort of thing.
>>   > 
>>   > Ah. We could open Emacs locally though, using an extension.
>> You can already start Emacs locally.  What's the actual point or goal
>> here?
>you cannot from webpages, yet these represent most of the usage of their 
>computer from modern users.  This is because of their hypertext nature: by 
>being heavily interconnected, they lead to some kind of addiction/
>accumulation (that’s easily seen when you “get lost on wikipedia” by 
>compulsively reading stuff that have something little but interesting in 
>common).  The issue is you can follow an hyperlink from emacs (or any 
>software, for the matter) to the webbrowser, but more hardly from the 
>webbrowser to some specific function of emacs (but a new file that would be 
>stored in /tmp, hence limiting the usefulness of emacs in the time, since 
>the file won’t be there in the future to edit again), and, worse, 
>impossible from any software that’s not a browser nor emacs, to emacs (at 
>least through a hyperlink, which in most software always triggers a 


This looks like what you are thinking of, doesn't it? 

Theodor Thornhill 

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